south florida

Liquid Chlorophyll Essential


There is a lot of buzz now around staying healthy with the Corona Virus shutting down the world. Naturally trying to eat healthy is on many people’s minds. We have heard a lot about Vitamin C, Zinc and many more supplements. I would say there are many companies attempting to capitalize off people wanting to stay healthy during this time. To be honest with you I don’t take a lot of supplements myself, I try to get what I need from food. When I do feel like I need an extra boost I might take a Whole Food Vitamin like MegaFood, or some Vitamin B12 or D. I’m a huge proponent of juicing, I mainly drink vegetables juices with the occasional apple added here or there. Which brings me to the topic of Chlorophyll, the deep green liquid that comes from plants. We’ve all been told it’s important to have our greens in our diet but what makes chlorophyll so special? Studies show that chlorophyll is nearly identical to hemoglobin our blood. Healthy blood is essential to life and not only is excellent for people with anemia, but it creates more oxygen in our blood. Yes, you heard that right, more oxygen. Right now we are hearing of people with this virus desperately needing more oxygen. Adding chlorophyll is a great idea to supplement with regardless of whether you are concerned about corona or not. It deodorizes the body and is safe to give pets as well. My favorite brand right now is by Herbs Etc. Read the reviews for yourself, people are having amazing results. Stay safe and healthy!

Best Multi-Vitamin

We have heard many times that taking a multi vitamin is a good idea. I've tried many brands myself over the course of my life. In fact I used to sell vitamins at Whole Foods Market when I was in college. The truth is not all vitamins are created equal. There's many brands on the market that add toxic flavors and artificial colors to their products. How can something that is supposed to be good for me add junk? It happens a lot so it's important for you as a consumer to really read labels and choose to shop at health food stores that have more stringent requirements for the type of vitamins that they sell.

There are plenty of people out there that say taking vitamins is unnecessary if you eat well. Certainly eating well is always the best option. The truth is food today lacks more and more nutrition even organically grown foods, which brings in adding a vitamin to the mix. I personally don't take a vitamin everything month but I do feel good periodically by supplementing. The best way to actually know if you are deficient in a particular vitamin or mineral is to order a full blood panel.

As I was stating above I have tried so many vitamin brands but the best one that I have ever tried is by Mega Food. They are made from 100% Whole Food ingredients, meaning they are so pure you can take them on an empty stomach. What many consumers are not aware of is that most vitamins are synthetically made or "man made." This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but they can be harder to digest hence most require you to take them with food. Mega Food is completely manufactured in the USA and you can even access them online 24/7 to see how they make their products. I choose the Men's One Daily to keep it simple for my lifestyle, but they have a wide variety of supplements on their site