
Chyawanprash Magic

This is a magical new discovery I came across about 6 months ago and has helped me with digestive troubles immensely. Chyawanprash  is an Ayurvedic health jam which is made up of a super-concentrated blend of 40+ nutrient-rich herbs and minerals. It is meant to restore drained reserves of life force (ojas) and to preserve strength, stamina, and vitality, while stalling the course of aging. Chyawanprash is named after Rishi, Sage Chyawan.

Chyawanprash contains Amla or Gooseberry which contains the world’s richest source of vitamin C. Among its’ herbs it contains a base of raw honey and ghee ( a clarified butter). “Regular intake of this tonic helps to attain intellect, memory, immunity, endurance, support respiratory health, improved functioning of the senses, great sexual strength and stamina, improved digestive processes, improvised skin-tone and glow.”

I love to spread the jam on toasted gluten free bread, but also tastes great on its’ own as a spoonful first thing in the morning or before bed. I really like the Banyan Botanicals brand as it is certified Organic.